About Me

(in about 1711 words)


From the moment I printed the “Hello World” in the console of my first application, I knew I was hooked into the world of programming, But programming was never been “just a side hustle” for me, it’s offered me an engaging challenge to continually learn and improve my skills in creating high-quality applications. What started with a simple “Hello World” has become a full-fledged passion that only gets more exciting as the years go by. Professionally, I am very passionate about applications of Web Development, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. Python is my favourite programming language. If you think I can be helpful to you or would like to meet me, please feel free to get in touch.


At The AS8 Organization, I have learned how to build teams, operate a startup, manage people, shape culture, develop relationships with community members, and increase networking with professionals. I primarily work as a Full Stack Web Developer but have broad experience across The AS8 Organization’s stack.

Some history

  • My parents bought a laptop in 2011 when I was 7. It was an old HP that ran Windows 7. My favorite games were Road Rash, Mortal Combat, GTA Vice City, House of the dead and Mostafa. In less than three months, I damaged the space button by hitting it nonstop while playing video games.

  • One of my uncle works as a software engineer. When I was 8, I asked my mom what was actually his job. My mom replied that he creates games that I play on my computer. On that day, I decided to create video games instead of playing them.

  • At 9-10, I was a very culturally active kid. During that period, I developed an interest in art and reciting. In an Upazilla level recitation competition, I won the first prize for reciting "Chharpatra by Sukanta Bhattacharya".

  • 2015 will always be a year that is very close to my heart. That year, I met a group of new classmates who shared my mindset and were genuinely concerned about my well-being. We were more than simply friends; we were a family. Many of them are still in contact with me, and we communicate on a regular basis in our spare time.

  • At the age of 11, I migrated to Dhaka, the capital city, and was accepted into Rajuk Uttara Model School and College, Bangladesh's finest school. For the next six years, RUMC was my alma mater. Its setting and environment, teachers, activities, and fellow classmates all played a significant role in shaping who I am now.

  • In 2016, I got the novel "1971 by Humayun Ahmed" as a prize for obtaining the highest marks in my grade. It was the very first novel of my life. I was so taken with Humayun Ahmed's writing that I read the entire book in one sitting. I did not sleep that night. I was giddy with anticipation of finishing the book. Each chapter had a different mystery and was more engaging than the others.

  • I miss 2016-2018 of my RUMC days most. I read over 200 novels throughout that time. Every day, as soon as the recess bell rang, my friends and I dashed to the library to borrow new novels. Interesting and popular books were rare in the library. Whenever we found a good book, we used to hide them among the bookshelves so that our other friends could find them and borrow them the next time they went to the library.

  • When I was 12 years old, on the boundaries of RUMC, a new club has been established. Rajuk College Robotics Club was its name. Computer Programming and Robotics were two important aspects of this club. As I was determined to be a coder, I joined that club and started attending classes on programming. But to be honest, I didn't get much out of the classes. They did, however, encourage me in discovering my passion, for which I am quite grateful.

  • At 12-14, I began learning to code on my own. I looked up websites on Google, watched YouTube tutorials, and studied whatever programming books I could find. I learned Python, C, and C++ during that time. I also took competitive coding seriously, competing in a number of national-level informatics competitions. It was then that I developed an interest in mathematics and problem solving.

  • In 2018-2019, I concentrated on self-improvement and improved my coding skills. I learned Data analysis, Data Visualization and Machine Learning Fundamentals. I started working on my personal projects creating games with the PyGame library and native applications with the Kivy framework of Python. I also learned a few interesting math topics including number theory, linear algebra, combinatorics, and calculus. This topics helped me to get selected for the National Rounds of Bangladesh Mathematics Olympiad.

  • The pandemic began in the year 2020. It affects people from many walks of life in various ways. It had both beneficial and negative effects on me. One of the bad consequences was not being able to spend time with my friends and near ones. But, if I overlook those factors, this year has been nothing but a blessing for me. In this period, I began studying Web Development (MERN Stack and Django). I also became part of a few global developer communities (freeCodeCamp, BWC, EddieHub, MLH). These communities have had a significant impact on my coding career. Every single one of the community members was extremely helpful to me. They mentored me whenever I had a problem with one of my projects or was attempting to implement a new idea. We collaborated on a number of tech-related events.

  • I wanted to contribute and give back to the IT communities when I was 16 years old. That's why I started blogging, and it's been a lot of fun sharing my expertise and experiences through technical and non-technical writings.

  • In 2020, I was sitting at my desk, bored, when a thought sprung into my head. I assumed my classmates were bored as well. Why don't I talk to them and show them how to program? Then I chatted to a few of them about my plan. They were all enthusiastic about the concept and ready to learn programming. So I used Zoom to organize PyCampaign20. I guided them on how to begin a career as a Python Developer and taught them the fundamentals of Python programming in that campaign. That was the origin story of me becoming a teacher. Since then, teaching has always been an integral part of my journey.

  • In 2021, One day, a question came to my mind, is there any developer community in Bangladesh? I did a little research on it for a few days. Eventually, I realized that yes, there are a few such communities in Bangladesh. But the range of those communities is very limited, most of the community only works with university-level students, school-college students have no opportunity. Some developer communities are institution-based, that is, they do not work with students from outside institutions. "The AS8 Organization" was established to solve the problem. The main goal of our organization is to form the first developer community in Bangladesh where all developers irrespective of age-institution-educational qualification will join, interact with each other through various events and support each other to grow their careers.

  • In the mid of 2021, I and my friend Arko Chowdhury started authoring a book named "Math & Programming". In this book, we have discussed in detail some interesting concepts of mathematics and Python programming. We also tried to show how math and programming are related. We believe that after this book you will learn to think of mathematics in a new way and you will learn how to analyze the arguments behind mathematics through programming. So far, we've finished 60 percent of the writings.

  • 2022 is another remarkable year of my life. It is the year in which I got admitted into "Notre Dame College", the best college of the country. While developing this website, I am just a fresher at NDC. I consider myself extremely blessed to experience NDC's rich culture, its aesthetic splendor, excellent instructors, extensive extra-curricular activities and supportive friends. I hope to create more memories with my lovely alma mater in the future.

Ask me in person for other stories that I'm afraid to share with the internet.

I like

  • Books
  • Problem Solving
  • Coffee
  • Painting
  • Mathematics
  • Illustrations
  • Teaching
  • Space
  • Rain
  • Podcasts
  • Chess
  • Football
  • Music & Guitar
  • Movies & Anime
  • Open Source
  • Blogging
  • Startups
  • Discussing Ideas

If we have common interests and likings, don't be hesitant to strike up a conversation with me. I enjoy interacting with people who share my perspective.

Fun facts

  • My birthdate is 28 December 2004.
  • Although I was born in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh, I spent most of my upbringing in Dhaka.
  • I started coding when I was 12.
  • If you meet me in person, you might notice that I'm an introvert or moody individual. But believe me I am actually super friendly. Just say hi, and I'll continue the conversation.
  • I am ashamed of how much I procrastinate.
  • I have read more than 600 books so far.
  • I wanted to be a pilot when I was young.
  • I can talk for 10 hours straight with someone who respects my opinion and cares about me.
  • I have lost 20 kilograms weight in less than 6 months.
  • I have a long list of ideas, such as creating an AI-powered note-taking app to automate the tedious process.
  • I enjoy spending time with my friends the most.
  • I added this page because so many people complained that my site was just my resume.

I dream of

  • always finding inspiration.
  • enabling a brighter future.
  • doing better every day.
  • going back to my childhood and sharing memories with my friends.

People who have inspired me

People whom I admire

  • Nawrin Jahan Preeti
  • Arko Chowdhury
  • Marzia Mehzabin Fiha
  • Essam Sami
  • Ave Rahman
  • Hasnine Jahan Sami
  • Tahashin Shaira

If we are friends and you feel like you belong on this list, you're probably right. I'm sorry I forgot about you. Or maybe I am still waiting for your permission to add your name to this list. Pester me and I'll add you.